As you would guess, I'm Mitch.

I am a 27 year old, runner, tinkerer, builder, designer, inventor, programmer and I am a Type 1 Diabetic.

I am always looking to help out on new projects and ideas, and I always like to make custom things for people.

I created this website to practice my web skills using HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, and to build somewhat of a portfolio page to show what I have been up to.

This website is currently under construction / in progress.

Check out the other pages on this site by clicking the tabs above.


I'm currently working at Jet Stream Innovations, on a new ReactJS based project called GapCross, which allows consultants, inspectors, managers, and auditors to author their own online audit or inspection programs for use on both desktop and mobile devices. Check it out here!

Contact info / Social Media: